
What is Encapsulation in C plus in Hindi

What is Encapsulation in C++ in Hindi  Encapsulation Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) में एक fundamental concept है जो data के bundling और उस data पर operate होने वाली Methods को single unit में combine करता है, जिसे एक Class कहा जाता है। 

“Data और functions को एक साथ एक class के अंदर रखना encapsulation कहलाता है.”

Are Encapsulation and Information Hiding the Same 

Encapsulation और Information Hiding Object-Oriented Programming,में संबंधित Concepts हैं, लेकिन वे बिल्कुल समान नहीं हैं। 

Encapsulation refers to the bundling of data and methods into a single unit (a class) and the restriction of direct access to the object's internal state. Encapsulation provides a mechanism for controlling access to the object's data and methods, which can help to ensure that they are used correctly and consistently.
Information hiding, on the other hand, is the practice of limiting access to the details of an object's internal implementation. Information hiding is closely related to encapsulation, as encapsulation is one technique that can be used to achieve information hiding. By encapsulating data and methods within a class, you can limit access to the object's internal state, thereby achieving information hiding.

Source :- Chat GPT